Staff selection commission SSC finally published the answer key of SSC Constable GD written exam 2015. SSC Constable GD and rifle man GD exam was held on 4 ocotber 2015 at various centers of all over India. This exam was held for those candidates who were declared qualified in PET Physical Efficiency Test / PEST at different. Now SSC officially published the answer key of constable GD written Exam. Answer sheet of constable GD written Exam are available for following Booklet Code / all Set.
Answer key Question paper solution correct answer Download
Booklet Code No
BE 2013: TF No. 441QP1 442PO2 443ON3 444NN4
AZ 2013: 000KG1, 111QH3, 111OI2, 222PG4
BG 2013: 222OL3, 444QJ5, 555RI6, 333PK4
AY 2013: 000QP2, 000PO4, 000NM3, 111SI6
AX 2013: 000QP2, 000PO4, 000NM3, 111SI6
Ak 2013: 555PK6, 666NM3, 777SH7, 777TG8
AQ 2013: 555PK6, 666NM3, 777SH7, 777TG8
AN 2013: 999SJ1, 999QJ2, 999ML3, 999PK4
AP 2013: 999SJ1, 999QJ2, 999ML3, 999PK4
BA 2013: 233LH2, 226OK5, 225NJ4, 224MI3
BB 2013: 223LH2, 226OK5, 225NJ4, 224MI3
BC 2013: 331TP1, 332SO2, 333RN3, 334QM4
BD 2013: 331TP1, 332SO2, 333RN3, 334QM4
BF 2013: 777KP8, 999MN1, 888LO9, 111NM2
AJ 2013: 111MM3, 999LN2, 888KO1, 222NL4
Constable (GD) in ITBPF, BSF, CISF, CRPF and SSB and Rifleman (GD) in Assam Rifles answer sheet in PDF file for 12 may 2013 exam
last year Cutoff marks | Expected cutoff marks | Minimum Qualifying marks for constable GD of previous year recruitment Examination category wise
BSF SC 42, ST 60, OBC 60, UR 65, EXS 56
CISF SC 55, ST 74, OBC 72, UR 76, EXS 53
CRPF SC 42, ST 65, OBC 61, UR General unreserved 67, EXS --
SSB SC 33, ST 59, OBC 58, UR 62, EXS --
Friends please told us your marks of written examination of Constable GD / rifle man GS. It would be helpful for us for analyzing the exact cutoff marks for this year on the basis of your correct answers.
Answer key Question paper solution correct answer Download
Booklet Code No
BE 2013: TF No. 441QP1 442PO2 443ON3 444NN4
AZ 2013: 000KG1, 111QH3, 111OI2, 222PG4
BG 2013: 222OL3, 444QJ5, 555RI6, 333PK4
AY 2013: 000QP2, 000PO4, 000NM3, 111SI6
AX 2013: 000QP2, 000PO4, 000NM3, 111SI6
Ak 2013: 555PK6, 666NM3, 777SH7, 777TG8
AQ 2013: 555PK6, 666NM3, 777SH7, 777TG8
AN 2013: 999SJ1, 999QJ2, 999ML3, 999PK4
AP 2013: 999SJ1, 999QJ2, 999ML3, 999PK4
BA 2013: 233LH2, 226OK5, 225NJ4, 224MI3
BB 2013: 223LH2, 226OK5, 225NJ4, 224MI3
BC 2013: 331TP1, 332SO2, 333RN3, 334QM4
BD 2013: 331TP1, 332SO2, 333RN3, 334QM4
BF 2013: 777KP8, 999MN1, 888LO9, 111NM2
AJ 2013: 111MM3, 999LN2, 888KO1, 222NL4
Constable (GD) in ITBPF, BSF, CISF, CRPF and SSB and Rifleman (GD) in Assam Rifles answer sheet in PDF file for 12 may 2013 exam
last year Cutoff marks | Expected cutoff marks | Minimum Qualifying marks for constable GD of previous year recruitment Examination category wise
BSF SC 42, ST 60, OBC 60, UR 65, EXS 56
CISF SC 55, ST 74, OBC 72, UR 76, EXS 53
CRPF SC 42, ST 65, OBC 61, UR General unreserved 67, EXS --
SSB SC 33, ST 59, OBC 58, UR 62, EXS --
Friends please told us your marks of written examination of Constable GD / rifle man GS. It would be helpful for us for analyzing the exact cutoff marks for this year on the basis of your correct answers.