Just like of uttar pradesh, Central government now also going to distribute free tablet to students and free mobile to Villagers. Parliament election and many other assembly elections in various states will be held in upcoming months so mostly all political parties start preparation for attracting Voters via free gifts. Voters are also ready to catch such type of free gifts given by government before the elections. Central government is also going to participate in this race. Very soon scheme of free mobile and free will tablet will be launched. This will be mega scheme of central government. Government decides to distribute 2.5 crore free mobile and 90 lakh table before the election. Approximate expenditure on this scheme will be 7 thousands 860 crores .
Sources said that UPA government had no option to attract the Voter that’s why they decide to 2.5 crore mobile and 90 lakh table. Good will behind in this scheme that government want to spread Technology in villages.
However officials of and minister also denied to launching of such type of any schemes But credible source saying that this is the true news. Government also going to provide facility more in this scheme. Connection of mobile will be also free for two year only on price of 300 per connection but user will get 30 minute talk time, 30 sms and 30 MB Gprs Data pack on every month . This scheme will be only launched in rural areas.
2nd scheme are related to free table distribution. This Yojana will be executed in rural and urban both areas. 11th and 12th pass student will get free table scheme. Under this scheme 75 minutes free talk time, 75 sms, and 500 mb free data Internet GPRS pack will be provided with free tablet. Time duration for distribution of free table is 4 years.
So you can very easily assume that will you get you tablet or not.?
25 lakh mobile and 15 lakh table will be distributed in 1st year, 50 lakh mobile and 35 lakh table for 2nd year , 75 lakh mobile ,40 lakh tablet for 3rd year . After that this scheme will be closed. Its expected that 150 cror expenditure will be come on data connection. BSNL will be partner of this scheme. Selection of the eligible candidates will be done via state government.
What do you think guys and girls what will be results of this scheme on Indian economy and Indian politics when our rupee is near about to 70 rs for 1 dollar.
Sources said that UPA government had no option to attract the Voter that’s why they decide to 2.5 crore mobile and 90 lakh table. Good will behind in this scheme that government want to spread Technology in villages.
However officials of and minister also denied to launching of such type of any schemes But credible source saying that this is the true news. Government also going to provide facility more in this scheme. Connection of mobile will be also free for two year only on price of 300 per connection but user will get 30 minute talk time, 30 sms and 30 MB Gprs Data pack on every month . This scheme will be only launched in rural areas.
2nd scheme are related to free table distribution. This Yojana will be executed in rural and urban both areas. 11th and 12th pass student will get free table scheme. Under this scheme 75 minutes free talk time, 75 sms, and 500 mb free data Internet GPRS pack will be provided with free tablet. Time duration for distribution of free table is 4 years.
So you can very easily assume that will you get you tablet or not.?
25 lakh mobile and 15 lakh table will be distributed in 1st year, 50 lakh mobile and 35 lakh table for 2nd year , 75 lakh mobile ,40 lakh tablet for 3rd year . After that this scheme will be closed. Its expected that 150 cror expenditure will be come on data connection. BSNL will be partner of this scheme. Selection of the eligible candidates will be done via state government.
What do you think guys and girls what will be results of this scheme on Indian economy and Indian politics when our rupee is near about to 70 rs for 1 dollar.
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