State government of Himachal pradesh published the notification for inviting online application form Scholarship scheme 203-14. online scholarship application form are inviter in R/O the following centrally sponsored scholarship scheme being run by the education department in Himachal pradesh HP , through online Scholarship management System OSMS through the official website momascholarship which is
Candidate can fill online application form for following scholarship scheme provided by state government of HP
Merit cum Means Scholarship Scheme for Students belonging to the Minority Community (Centrally Sponsored Scheme)
Post– Matric Scholarship Scheme for students belonging to the Minority Community (Centrally Sponsored Scheme)
For more information, logon to Departmental website
Last date of application form submission and online registration extend up to 8 November 2013.
According to notification published by director of Higher education, students who are studding in class 9th to college level / degree professional course they can fill application form for HP scholarship scheme. Online application form submission last date is 9 November 2013. institutes will verify online application form till the last date 8 November 2013. After that these college / school forward the application form to education directorate till 30 November 2013 online. These scholarships are
Dr ambedkar medhavi chhatra vriti yojan
Swami vivekananda chhatravriti yojana
Thakur sen utkrisht chhatravriti yojana
Maharishi valmiki scholarship scheme
Mukhyamantri protsahan yojana
Anusuchit jati janjati student / scholarship
Candidate can fill online application form for following scholarship scheme provided by state government of HP
Merit cum Means Scholarship Scheme for Students belonging to the Minority Community (Centrally Sponsored Scheme)
Post– Matric Scholarship Scheme for students belonging to the Minority Community (Centrally Sponsored Scheme)
For more information, logon to Departmental website
Last date of application form submission and online registration extend up to 8 November 2013.
According to notification published by director of Higher education, students who are studding in class 9th to college level / degree professional course they can fill application form for HP scholarship scheme. Online application form submission last date is 9 November 2013. institutes will verify online application form till the last date 8 November 2013. After that these college / school forward the application form to education directorate till 30 November 2013 online. These scholarships are
Dr ambedkar medhavi chhatra vriti yojan
Swami vivekananda chhatravriti yojana
Thakur sen utkrisht chhatravriti yojana
Maharishi valmiki scholarship scheme
Mukhyamantri protsahan yojana
Anusuchit jati janjati student / scholarship
what is the website for online form registration of Dr. Ambedkar Medhavi Chhatervriti yojna?